Saturday, March 10, 2007

Am i being too ambitious??

I can't believe that I've managed to figure out how to set up one of these blog things - but i have...all by myself.... and I am really hoping to be a regular poster... I know I'm terrible at emailing but I'm hoping this blog might be my saving grace and be of some use in keeping those at home informed of my adventures.... If I can figure out how to do this, pictures and regulars posts and all I will consider myself a computing genius....

Leaving Australia tomorrow, first stop Malaysia, then 2 weeks in Thailand with Gypo, Cassie and Nicky B - should be a laugh... I'm pretty excited... That is off course if we can pick up our tickets... due to a technical hitch at Malaysia Airways Richie and I are still waiting on our tickets... apparently they will arrive by courier tomorrow...I know what you're thinking, we are LEAVING tomorrow.... fingers crossed the tickets arrive before the plane leaves....

if not Greengate, 7pm?




Jill said...

I guess I should work on my spelling and grammar if I'm going to be any good at this...

bws said...

i thought i'd be the first to leave a comment, but no. YOU left yourself a comment. well done.

by the sounds of it, you guys got your tickets. Thumbs up!

Tom Rickard said...

Reen, you so lazy..........whe whe

Lachlan Payne said...

I seem to remember you saying to me just before you left for Melbourne "I'm going to make a blog!"

I'm sure that must have been 18 months back.

But better late than never!

Louisa Claire said...

hello? anyone out there???

Louisa Claire said...

My darling sister, it's becom(ing) perfectly clear to all of us that you weren't making any promised! If you'd care to prove us (and yourself) wrong it would be just wonderful!

The Hugnarian said...

ricksy sticks, bring on the blog. Keep it real mo-fo. Geez i wish i was african-american sometimes, it would sound so much cooler.